Saturday, April 13, 2013

Blogging 101

Hi everybody!

Today I attended a session at Hercules High School where we were taught how to blog and format our blog posts. We also received a list of items to bring with us when we go back east, which will be extremely useful in a couple months.

Before the session, however, I (along with three other students) got a little lost on the way to the room. Even with maps we had trouble locating it! Eventually we found the room, but were a few minutes late.

 Hercules High School
Once we got there, we went onto the practice blog site that Don created where we practiced posting blogs and adding photos into our posts. I was surprised at how much thought you actually have to put into a blog post. In addition to writing the blog posts, we also had to correctly format them so that they fit the screen once published. Adding in pictures was also harder than it looks, because in order for the photos to match up with the text, they have to be a certain size and placed in a specific position.

After we finished learning about blogging, we went through a packet that Don had been kind enough to prepare for us. It informed us what to pack, and why. There were also two chaperones there who gave us helpful suggestions about spending money and luggage.

Although I'm new at it, I'm excited to continue blogging, and I can't wait for this summer!

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