Monday, July 1, 2013

No routines

Today marks the start of the second week of my Summer@Brown program. I have grown accustomed to the area, my classes, and living on campus, but I don't think I'll ever fall into a routine schedule. There's always something different to do every day and Brown helps us plan our schedules by providing us with a guidebook application that lists every event that will take place in the next three weeks. By not falling into a routine, I believe that my stay at Brown will seem much longer and have greater impact. I'd much rather stimulate and challenge my mind every day rather than lounge around my comfortable house doing nothing exciting.

I performed my third gel electrophoresis in class today. Using experience from previous gels, I managed to make a very clean gel that rivaled the quality of the one shown in the textbook. The labs that I'm doing this week in class aren't just quick and simple with little meaning. They're actually all part of a multi-step procedure that involve changing the DNA sequence of a few different pathogens.

Later this evening, I attended a lecture that was hosted by Jonathon Ebinger, who is a Brown alum, a Washington-based news producer, editor, and journalist and has been awarded with eight Emmy Awards. Ebinger discussed many statistics of news and media consumers with us and had a Q&A session with the entire audience at the end. He surprised everyone with the statistic of the average age of people who receive news by certain sources and who use social networks such as Facebook. Who knew that the average age of Facebook users is 40? It was a very informational session. I'm glad I attended it.

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