Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Debriefing With Grad Center Third Floor

Today's the day that every residential assistant meets with his/her floor to go through departure procedures and to just have some bonding time with everyone on the floor. Almost everyone arrived on time and we promptly finished the departure procedures so we could move on to the more interesting part of the meeting. In the next part of the meeting, we all shared our favorite memories of our time at Brown and those who had fun or embarrassing stories, including our RA, shared them with everyone. Unfortunately, I cannot go into detail about these stories as they are not appropriate for the setting here, but I assure you they were all very funny and interesting.

I think I got very lucky with the floor I got grouped with. Everyone is very chill and civil, especially compared those from other clusters. We've never caused any trouble and are all kind and open. The diversity is  just astounding. At least half of our floor are foreign students from different countries around the world and the domestic students are all from different states. After our "tell all session" was finished, we all decided to head back to our dorms or lounge somewhere around campus instead of sticking around to play board games. As I walked back with a group from my floor, I took a good luck at the campus's beauty and the liveliness in the quads and thought, "I'm really going to miss this."

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